Sunday, March 20, 2022

Volvo working with Starbucks to create EV charging network

This one is kind of a "no-brainer," matching fast EV chargers to places where one cold spend a few minutes while your vehicle charges. Volvo is starting just such an integration with Starbucks (I thought you would use the possessive spelling for Starbuck's, with the apostrophe, but the media release doesn't so...). From Colorado to Washington state, 15 Starbucks locations will install ChargePoint fast chargers to get EV drivers across half of the country and to prove the concept. I think this could work, but I do question the route chosen since a pure West Coast route would have provided access to more EV know where the EV drivers live. I guess we have to start somewhere and maybe folks wanted to go skiing. Anyway, this is good news and pointing to future match-ups like fast food retailers, etc. In fact, it has been reported that Shell intends to install chargers in their existing stations. Your charging future is starting to look bright. For the time being, Volvo's EVs will get free or low-cost charging at the Starbucks locations that are participating in this program, while other EVs will pay ChargePoint's rates. For more information, click on "read more" below to view the media release and a couple of Volvo videos including the intro video for the C40 Recharge (above). Enjoy!

Source: Volvo - Media release, pics, videos (2)

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Ford realigns auto works into EV/ICE divisions - Update

This an interesting announcement and other legacy automakers are watching...closely. In many respects, this realignment makes a lot of sense. Ford will split off it's electric vehicle development into a new division called Ford Model e. ICE-engined vehicles will continue under the Ford Blue banner. (Now you know why Ford wouldn't give Tesla the Model e know so Tesla's vehicle designations would spell out SEXY.) The new Model e division will facilitate the further and faster development of new EVs and EV platforms without taking into consideration the needs of any ICE models (although there will still be some sharing). As you may know, EVs with dedicated EV platforms are generally more efficient, faster, and have more range than models that share platforms with ICE-engined vehicles. It's easier when you don't have to leave room for a large chunk of metal and only concern your designs with Battery placement, since most EV motors fit (almost) in the space required for axles. All-wheel-drive is easier with EVs due to less mechanical linkages. EVs also require less maintenance than ICE oil changes, etc. but EVs don't get a way scot-free especially with designs like the Porsche Taycan that uses a two-speed transmission (excessive mechanization and cost?) to achieve a higher top speed that can generally be used only on the Autobahn (bragging rights?). A top-end EV can generally accelerate faster than most ICE exotic cars. Let's hope this works out well for Ford. Wall Street likes it, but then they only worry about money and a possible spin-off. Future generations may condemn us for our greedy outlook when the planet becomes hard to live on.

On another note. Ford Model e folks, consider reviving the Mercury name, you know the division that has a God as it''s logo (or did) that has wings on it's helmet and sandals. You know, the quick delivery god. Mercury has many good nameplates out there (assuming Ford still owns the rights) like Monarch that could be a rebadged Mach-e. Or Cougar which could fit on a coupe version of the Mach-e. Then there's Mountaineer and Mariner for SUVs, and Monterrey and Montclair for sedans, etc. Then you could sell them directly to the public, like Tesla, and bypass your greedy dealers (who are becoming even more insufferable and I used to sell cars). Just an idea. Oh and Ford develop smaller EVs like Chevy's Bolt (recall not withstanding). You could call them Meteor, Comet or even Lynx. Click on "read more" below to view the media release and video.

It has been reported that Ford will no longer allow mark-ups on EVs to assist in consumer EV adoption. More to come...

Source: Ford - Media release, pic, video

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