Tuesday, January 5, 2021

TA.b - Auto-themed fun - Update

I haven't done this in a while, in fact my last post like this was deleted because the video was no longer available. I'll admit that I like Geico's car insurance ads (there's the auto theme) due to their play on words and humor. I'll admit that I use Geico's services and have since the company was known as the Government Employees Insurance COmpany. That is a static screen capture above, but the actual video and others are available after the jump. Enjoy. Always makes me smile, you?

Update: One of my all-time favorites, the Woodchucks commercial, has seemingly been pulled (like I said above). I'm leaving it cuz it may be back.

Source: Geico/YouTube - 2, 3 Videos after the "read more" jump.


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