Saturday, October 24, 2020

TA.b - Here ya go - 10B-20

A couple of weeks ago, I shared some info about EV conversions that're happening now (and have been for some time) and provided some links to conversion company sites like Zelectric. To show you the level of expertise and prowess that some of these companies provide, I have attached a video (below) from Zelectric of a recent VW Beetle conversion that the company completed. The level of workmanship is high and I'm sure the cost is possibly as well on the order of a classic rebuild. Enjoy the video. Contact them for quotes.

Another post I read recently, discussed a French company, Transition One,  that will convert your present (Euro small/city) car to electric propulsion in just four hours (depending on the car of course. Fiat 500 conversion photo above). This is an interesting proposition. If you have a car that you like (size, equipment, you own it, etc,) this could make a lot of sense for those that want to join the EV revolution, don't have the price of entry for a new EV, and do their part for the planet. And let's not forget that (equipped properly) EVs are fast and economical with recent reports putting the operating cost savings versus ICE vehicles at 50% (or more)...less! Also, the EV conversion cost for this French company is about $10K. This is certainly cheaper than buying a new car. TO also makes conversion kits for the mechanically-inclined. No word on government regulations, etc. I know in California, major changes of this type require a once over and review by the DMV, so...

Source: Zelectric/YouTube - video. Transition One - pic

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