Sunday, June 7, 2020

Dyson scraps plans to build electric vehicle

Dyson is an engineering company best known for it's innovative consumer products like vacuums and hair-care products When you look at "legacy" industries, sometimes an outsider's take on things can be refreshing and just what the target industry needs. Tesla is a perfect example with it's leading edge products that are years ahead of the competition in most categories.. Even Tesla's product-building solutions are seemingly years ahead in terms of construction and use of automation (aka robots). But Engineer Dyson saw a problem with automotive air pollution and set about developing an EV of his own. With Dyson's typical innovation and style, you can see the fruits of Dyson's labors above. An attractive vehicle (SUV) that would look good in any high-end garage or out on the motorways. The problem came when the car was built, and the vehicle's pricing was considered too high (almost $200,000) for profitable continuing production. (Remember that many carmakers offset losses on new and higher-end products with the profits from their higher-volume vehicles. It has been reported that legacy US automakers get profits from trucks well into the five-figure range. And no, you can't take that info and get a better deal at your dealer since these profits are built into the sale between the manufacturer and the dealer. Your price is determined by what the dealer pays for the vehicle.) The sad part is that when Dyson decided to stop further development, all of their hard work went for naught. Dyson's EV has a dedicated platform that could carry many different body styles. Dyson developed a new, bespoke, efficient electric motor and battery packs that would propel the EV. Considerable thought went into making the interior a fine (and comfortable) place to be. Most automakers have come to develop their vehicles from the stand point of cost and profit and not from a place of excellence. The Dyson EV seems to be an "excellent" SUV. Dyson has even offered the whole one-billion dollar program for sale, but so far no takers. Part of that I'm sure is ego on the part of folks from the legacy automakers (We can do it. We don't need their stuff.) Secondly, I'm sure that Dyson would like to recoup some of this investment so there might be a deal to be made. I could see the name Rolls-Royce, Bentley, of Range Rover on the hood of this car. The pricing is inline with their other offerings and Dyson's vehicle looks ready to go and would need only minor tweaking. But then again, ego is probably at play here since those brands are owned by much larger automakers. But Jaguar/Land Rover's Jaguar e-Pace is kinda behind in development compared to the EV leaders and Dyson's EV would certainly get them into the race, so to speak. Interesting... Check out the press releases (more like open letters from Dyson), pics, and video after the "read more" jump.

Source: Press releases, video, and pics courtesy of Dyson (Automotive)

Press Release:
Dyson Automotive update 

"The Dyson Automotive team have developed a fantastic car; they have been ingenious in their approach while remaining faithful to our philosophies. However, though we have tried very hard throughout the development process, we simply cannot make it commercially viable. We have been through a serious process to find a buyer for the project which has, unfortunately, been unsuccessful so far. I wanted you to hear directly from me that the Dyson Board has therefore taken the very difficult decision to propose the closure of our automotive project.

This is not a product failure, or a failure of the team, for whom this news will be hard to hear and digest. Their achievements have been immense – given the enormity and complexity of the project. We are working to quickly find alternative roles within Dyson for as many of the team as possible and we have sufficient vacancies to absorb most of the people into our Home business. For those who cannot, or do not wish to, find alternative roles, we will support them fairly and with the respect deserved. This is a challenging time for our colleagues and I appreciate your understanding and sensitivity as we consult with those who are affected. 

Dyson will continue its £2.5bn investment program into new technology and grow our wonderful new University. We will continue to expand at Malmesbury, Hullavington, Singapore and other global locations. We will also concentrate on the formidable task of manufacturing solid state batteries and other fundamental technologies which we have identified: sensing technologies, vision systems, robotics, machine learning, and AI offer us significant opportunities which we must grab with both hands. Our battery will benefit Dyson in a profound way and take us in exciting new directions. In summary, our investment appetite is undiminished and we will continue to deepen our roots in both the UK and Singapore.

Since day one we have taken risks and dared to challenge the status quo with new products and technologies. Such an approach drives progress, but has never been an easy journey – the route to success is never linear. This is not the first project which has changed direction and it will not be the last. I remain as excited about the future of Dyson as I have always been; our ambitions have never been higher, our ability to invest has never been greater, and the team has never been stronger. 

I am looking forward to our future adventures together."

-James Dyson

Press Release:
The Dyson Battery Electric Vehicle
by James Dyson

A problem too big to ignore

In 1983, early in the development of my cyclonic technology which separates particulate from an air stream, I visited a spinout company from the University of Minnesota. They had developed an aerodynamic particle counter which I needed in order to measure the efficacy of my cyclones for particles as small as 0.01 of a micron. During the visit, they showed me a copy of a US Bureau of Mines report into the emission of diesel particulate in US mines.

The report suggested that laboratory mice and rats were suffering heart attacks, cancer and other major health problems when exposed to diesel fumes. As engineers, we couldn’t ignore it, so we started developing various particulate catches, using cyclones and other novel technologies. I even took one on Blue Peter and demonstrated it to Anthea Turner!

I’ve always been horrified, even as a child, by the cloud of black smoke that would emerge from the back of vehicles. More recently petroleum and diesel engines have become less smoky, partly because they have made the particulate smaller; it may look better to the naked eye, but they are still not free of dangerous gases. Yet, problems with internal combustion engines, and diesel exhaust particulate, continued to be ignored by traditional automotive manufacturers and governments. Tesla started seriously exploring electric cars, but traditional ‘automotive’ had no interest what-so-ever.

So, some years after the diesel exhaust project started, when we had other technologies of our own, like batteries and motors, we returned to the problem and started developing a car. We put together an exceptional team, built world-class facilities, and developed a radical car which was loaded with technology. We solved lots of problems that are traditionally associated with electric vehicles and together the team made great progress and delivered a car which was ready for production.

Dieselgate changed everything because all automotive manufacturers had no choice but to shift to electric – almost overnight. Electric cars are considerably more expensive to make and manufacturers are making big losses on the sale of each car. These losses matter less to them because the sales of electric cars allow them to offset against selling traditional vehicles on which they make a good profit. As a technology-based car – being developed by a non-automotive company – we realised that our car was suddenly no-longer commercially viable.

It was a difficult decision to stop, because hundreds of engineers, scientists and designers, had poured everything into the project and it was a great engineering achievement. But I have no regrets about having started the programme. We learned a lot and Dyson has benefited from a huge influx of engineering talent from the automotive industry – it has quickly been applied in other areas of our research and development.

We developed our car from the ground-up, and didn’t borrow parts from other manufacturers. It was designed as a platform, so we could design other body styles to sit on it. The first model was an SUV; at speed, it would drop itself down to be more aerodynamic and then it could be raised up to give it even more ground clearance.

When I first drove our car, I felt exactly the same as when I first used our hairdryer prototype, or the vacuum cleaner – I enjoyed it, but I was not surprised, in fact we immediately looked for improvements! When you’re involved in designing and developing every little detail of a product it takes away the surprise of seeing or using it for the first time.

The car is exactly five meters long, with big wheels and huge ground clearance which is helped by the fact it has a completely flat bottom. The wheels are actually one of the most interesting aspects; because of their size, you get lower rolling resistance and you can ride bumps and potholes more easily - it’s exactly the opposite of a Mini. The wheels are right in the corners and I don’t think you’ll find any other car with the rear wheels as far back as this. The placement and size of the wheels gave us some unexpected advantages in comfort and road holding.

Motor and Battery

Building on our years of experience with Dyson Digital Motor technology we developed a bespoke, integrated and highly efficient Electric Drive Unit (EDU) comprising Dyson digital electric motor, single speed transmission and state of the art power inverter. These compact and lightweight units were mounted on subframes at the front and rear of the car.

The high capacity battery pack assembly was designed as an integral part of the body structure to optimise both weight and the space available for occupants in the cabin as well as providing the necessary rigidity and impact protection. The aluminium battery pack casing was flexible in design to allow for a variety of possible sizes and types of battery cell solution to be fitted throughout the life of the vehicle platform without the need for any significant re-engineering.

Trim and Interior

The most striking effect when you get inside is the feeling of space. This is because the wheels are placed at the extremities of the four corners and combined with the absence of the car engine and exhaust pipes, you have the internal space of a long wheelbase SUV without the disadvantage of the massive external body.

I hate the 1930s armchair look that car seats typically have and I haven’t yet found a car seat that has proper lumbar support. We wanted a more elegant, structural seat, with well-considered posture support. When you sit in this, it gives you that support in all the right areas. The car has three rows of seats, capable of seating seven adults in comfort.

We also used our own air filtration technology in the car to control the environment, not just in terms of temperature but also to clean the air. I also never wanted anyone to have to take their eyes off the road, so that was my starting point – so we have a heads-up display and all the controls are on the steering wheel.


We learned quickly that buying an airfield from the government isn’t straightforward. Under the ‘Crichel Down Rules’, the airfield had to be offered back to its former owners at today’s market price. This meant we had to track them down and negotiate what is known as a ‘back-to-back deal’ with the families that owned the farmland before the war. They were very surprised, but pleased, to hear from us and Dyson had finally bought the various sections of the airfield on 27 February 2017. Then we set about painstakingly restoring it and turning the cavernous hangars into the light-filled, high-tech spaces they are today.

Since the automotive project closed, the airfield became the home of Dyson's COVID-19 ventilator project. Now it will become a new home to our Robotics, Environmental Care, Professional and Lighting teams – so that they can expand their work. I am confident that we will make many exciting discoveries there.

-James Dyson, Engineer and Rounder

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