Friday, May 15, 2020

TA.b - Tesla Talk 5.20c

While I've been angry with Elon Muxk and his mouth (fingers?) of late, I must call him out when he goes overboard and when he is right. With this decision, I think he's right.

It has been reported today in two automotive sites ( 1, 2,) that Tesla has decided to build the next Terafactory (up from Gigafactory) in Austin, Texas. That is smart on so many levels. Tesla already has a presence in Austin with an office for AutoPilot programmers and it is smart to build a category-defying truck in the heart of what could be called truckville. Toyota and others build trucks in Texas btw. Hard for haters to hate if they (or their families) are putting the new Cybertruck together. Yes Tesla's bold electric Cybertruck will roll off the Austin assembly lines along with a few Model Ys. I think the Tesla shorts are kicking themselves yet again since Tesla will now have five factories around the globe (including the battery factory in Nevada) with Fremont, Shanghai, Berlin, and now Austin. Build 'em where they buy and use 'em. (a daily read of mine) even posted about the dust-up around Musk's Tweets (twits) allowing that many of the Tesla faithful were upset or disappointed, but that a fringe group of Tesla folk (Poor Elon! Why are they picking on him?) have Musk's ear, unfortunately.

While I felt somewhat threatened by his actions in Fremont since I'm at risk for COVID-19, his screaming of 45's and the right-wing's arguments was like rubbing salt in an open wound. Time will tell, y'all, time will tell.

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