Monday, May 11, 2020

TA.b - Tesla Talk 5.20a - updated

I've been a huge Tesla fan since the brand's first vehicle, the Roadster, hit the market. Because I didn't have the cash to own one, the Roadster was unattainable for me (and I'm over 6 feet tall and have a bad back, so). But today. Tesla's vehicles are more attainable and a better fit for most folks. I've pushed electric vehicles into my friends' minds since Tesla showed what was possible (much to the chagrin of traditional automakers). In fact, an acquaintance rented a Model S and came away totally converted. I mean after all, a battery-electric vehicle showcases a different type of propulsion and that's the main difference (well that and fewer pollutants and...). The fact that most Tesla vehicles are fast, good-looking, handle well, and have a software suite that is years ahead of its competitors should be enough. If it weren't for today's political climate, it probably would be. Imagine that, a car winning sales on its merits. But Big Oil doesn't want to lose sales so the smear began.  Then it was "red-staters" accusing "blue-staters" of pushing their climate-change agenda. No actually, it was people who like breathing clean air that got on board. (I live in the LA area and our air is much cleaner since the anti-smog regulations were put in place.)  

So now we're in 2020 with the world facing a pandemic that is killing thousands, possibly millions. Since we don't have a cure or a vaccine, social-distancing was put in place to minimize the spread of the disease and save lives. It's worked. Two months into this mess though and people are clamoring for the restrictions to be lifted. Not a good idea at this time. Some politicians and news outlets, claim this situation is overblown even though the statistics say otherwise. We expect things to improve with the summer heat, but with the return to cooler weather, the virus could be back with a vengeance. The problem is that in reality, we just don't know. So the question becomes, "Are you willing to risk your life or the life of someone you love when we're years away (if ever) from getting back to a semblance of normal?"

This is where Tesla-founder Elon Musk comes in. 

I understand that companies face financial ruin with the COVID-19 restrictions in place, but are these companies more valuable or important then people's lives? Some say yes (usually the ones with the most money to lose/gain who don't care about you). A lot of folks just want this all to go away (it isn't). Some state governments, including California, have a movement towards "re-opening." But not fast enough for Musk. 

He announced the re-opening of his factories with out getting any kind of approval. I'm sure the government would have worked with him and discussed possible changes that would preserve Tesla worker's health. But Musk acted like a petulant child when told "not yet." Immediately he stated that his headquarters would be moved out of California to Texas or Nevada - which would have zero effect on the reopening of the Fremont factory. Then he filed a lawsuit (that would take years to be adjudicated). trying to get his way.  And now he is ordering his employees to defy government orders and return to work. This could put them into potential harm and possible arrest.

As much as I like(d) Tesla, people are important. Laws are important. The government is important in fighting this pandemic. People are your customers and employees after all. If they die, you end up with fewer sales and trained workers. Not brain-surgery. Musk's total disregard for the safety of his workers makes him sound more like 45 than someone to look up to. If the company is that close to being in trouble get some money from the government. They gave the oil industry a reported $75 million bail out. Or you could give back some (or all) of the reported $750 million the company paid you in back- and current-salary. Lots of options that don't include killing folks needlessly or starting a political stand off with the State of California or the local county. (Which 45 would love btw even though he dislikes Tesla and Musk or at least he did.) Is this about money or being told what to do? Does Musk know who his current customers are (who wouldn't appreciate this)? Does he care?

I once had a fantasy where I owned a house covered with Tesla solar panels feeding electricity to several Tesla Powerwalls and charging my Tesla vehicle (for almost zero cost). Take that smog. But not anymore. I'm no longer on Team Tesla. When Rick Perry and 45 got Toyota to move to Texas (Ivanka was at the official signing), i wrote them off. No more Toyotas for me. And so it goes. 

When I can put my fantasy in place, there will be a lot more choices. There are a lot of solar panel choices now and the energy storage business is booming. Ford's Mustang Mach-E looks to be a strong competitor and Volkswagen's iD models also look strong (although we won't get the Golf-sized iD.3 in the US. Big mistake). I agree that Tesla seems to be at a crossroad. Care about your workers and put a muzzle on Musk if you want to succeed and see what was once a bright future. I honestly hope that I'm wrong about this one.

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